Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Part 1 - Cisco Router Configuration

ဖတ်မိသလောက်လေး ပြန်ဖေါ်ပြပေးလိုက်ပါတယ်၊ http://www.firewall.cx/cisco-lab1-tutorial-1.php မှာလဲ တိုက်ရိုက်ဖတ်လို့ ရပါတယ်။

Part 1 - Cisco Router Configuration

The first part of this tutorial will help you understand how Cisco routers function and the steps required to perform basic configuration. Concepts and theory examined in our Cisco routers section are fully covered here, so you'll be able to gain some real hands-on experience.

Note that almost all configuration commands and options are the same on most Cisco routers, regardless of their model series and IOS versions. At any point, you can access the Cisco 'Help' function by using the question mark '?' symbol at the command prompt as it will provide you with a list of all supported commands along with their descriptions for the mode and the configuration section you are currently in.

Router1 Tasks:

1) Configure Hostname to "r1".

router> enable

router# configure terminal

router(config)# hostname r1

r1(config)# exit

a) Check router's IOS version, uptime, physical memory, flash memory and verify the router model as shown in the diagram. Make sure the router is configured to load nvram's startup-config when restarted or reloaded.

r1# show version

NOTE: Configuration Register (at the end of the output above) must be set to 0x2102 in order to load nvram's startup-config when restarted or reloaded. Analysis of the output from this command can be found in our site's 'Cisco Router Basics' articles.

b) List the IOS binary file located in the flash memory and verify its size of 4159154 bytes.

r1# show flash:

c)Check the router's CPU utilisation and running processors.

r1# show processes cpu

3) Set 'secret' password to "cisco". Configure VTY lines 0 to 5 (telnet) password to 'firewall'. Finally, set the 'Message of the day' (motd) banner to: "Welcome to Lab 1, Router1".

The motd banner gives a message to every person connecting to the router via telnet, console or auxiliary port.

r1# configure terminal

r1(config)# enable secret cisco

r1(config)# line vty 0 5

r1(config-line)# password firewall

r1(config-line)# exit

r1 (config)# banner motd ^
Enter TEXT message. End with the character '^'.
Welcome to Lab 1, Router1!

4) Disable DNS lookups to stop the router trying to resolve 'unknown commands' (typically typing mistakes) to hostnames or domains. Configure ethernet 0 interface with IP address, provide an interface description (locally significant) and check the interface to ensure it is not shutdown. Enter "Lan Interface" as the interface's description.

r1(config)# no ip domain-lookup

r1(config)# interface ethernet 0

r1(config-if)# ip address

r1(config-if)# description Lan Interface

r1(config-if)# no shutdown

r1(config-if)# exit

5) Copy the router's configuration running configuration (ram) to nvram and reload the router to ensure the new configuration loads automatically.

r1(config)# exit

r1# copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]? [hit 'enter' to accept filename]
Building configuration...

r1# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm] [hit 'enter' to accept]

Once the router has completed it reload cycle, you must enter the following commands to verify the previous commands exist in its configuration:

r1> enable
[Enter your secret password 'cisco']

r1# show running-config

Part 2 - Cisco Switch Configuration

The second part of the tutorial focuses on the 1900 catalyst switch. Here you'll be required to configure specific aspects while also verifing and monitoring some services. Although the 1900 series switch is considered an old and out-dated switch due to the number of units installed world-wide, we will be covering it just for this lab.

Unlike Cisco's new switches, the first generation 1900 series switches work via a menu driven prompt, making them simple and fast to work with. Our tutorial requires you to find your way through the device's menu and perform the selected functions.

Switch1 Tasks:

1) Configure the system's name to "switch1". Enter "Administrator" as the 'Contact name' and "Cisco Lab" as the 'Location' field.

Enter sequence: M , S , N --> sw1

Enter sequence: C --> Administrator

Enter sequence: L --> Cisco Lab

2) Configure the device's IP address to and set the default gateway to Optionally enter as the 1st DNS server and 'cisco.com' as the domain name.

Enter sequence: X, N, I, I -->

Enter sequence: S -->

Enter sequence: G -->

Enter sequence: M -->

Enter sequence: D --> cisco.com

3) Change the switching mode to 'Store-and-Forward'. Decrease the Broadcast Storm 'threshold' to 100 broadcasts per second and set the switch to 'block' the offending port.

Enter sequence: X, X, S, S, 1

Enter sequence: B, T --> 100

Enter sequence: A, B

Enter sequence: X, X [Return to the main menu]

4) Set the Address aging time to 1000 seconds and set port 1 as an uplink port (Network port).

Enter sequence: S, I --> 1000

Enter sequence: P, 1

Other Tasks:

1) From the router, ping 'sw1' to verify connectivity between the two devices. Go back to your router and ping the switch from there.

r1# ping

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/5/8 ms

2) Check the amount of data transmitted and received on your router's ethernet 0 interface.

r1# show interface ethernet 0

Hint: Observe the interface's 'packets input' and 'packets output' figures.

3) Copy your router's startup-config to the local tftp server You can provide any unique name you wish, just make sure you note it so you can retrieve it later on.

Note: The tftp server is used by all Cisco lab users, so ensure you use unique filenames (e.g username-lab1-r1) so that you don't lose your configuration file by having it overwritten by someone else.

r1# copy startup-config tftp

Address or name of remote host []?

Destination filename [r1-confg]? alan-lab1-r1-startupconfig
404 bytes copied in 0.192 secs (2104 bytes/sec)

4) Backup your router's IOS image to the local tftp server

r1# dir
Directory of flash:/

1 -rw- 4501427 c1600-y-mz.123-22.bin

16515072 bytes total (8875980 bytes free)
router1# copy flash tftp
Source filename []? c1600-y-mz.123-22.bin
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [c1600-y-mz.123-22.bin]? [Hit Enter ]
4501427 bytes copied in 53.944 secs (77101 bytes/sec)

5) It's now time to enable some security measures so we can limit access to our router, while at the same time protecting all passwords entered into the system.

Configure the vty ( 0 to 4) interfaces with the password 'cisco', and encrypt all passwords stored on the router:

r1# configure terminal

r1(config)# line vty 0 4

r1(config-line)# password cisco

r1(config-line)# login

r1(config-line)# exit

r1(config)# service password-encryption

NOTE: If you issue a "show running-config" command before and after the "service password-encryption" command, you'll clearly see the encryption that has taken place to secure your passwords.

6) It's now time to save our configuration to the router's NVRAM. This is done by using one simple command:

r1(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the first tutorial of Cisco Lab No.1.

Ref:- http://www.firewall.cx/cisco-lab1-tutorial-1.php

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